The Past Students’ Association of Denbigh High School dates back to 2014 with a group of dedicated members who decided to give of themselves back to their alma mater. At the initial stage of the PSA, the Association had its fair share of challenges in terms of disloyalty and wholesome support from its membership base. Our founding members and stalwarts of the PSA worked acidulously within the limited support and income they had to run the Association. The challenges they faced was disheartening and tumultuous at times and as such, a creative approach was undertaken by the team to rejuvenate and rebrand the Association. The founding executive has an enviable tenure of eight consecutive years in office.
Without the steadfastness, resilience, dedication and stewardship it would be impractical to have an Association that is thriving for bigger and greater things. The PSA has undertaken numerous projects in the school ranging from beautification of the campus, granting of scholarships and or grants, partnership with the school on planning and improving the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
To have all past students collaborate to find ways to foster the change necessary to get the Past Student Association to achieve the goals set. By creating a passion that will inspire loyalty and commitment permitting past students to see their involvement with the association as meaningful through:
To provide an array of opportunities that will discover and develop the potential of PSA so that the organization will ultimately become fully functioning as we seek to impact both the past and current student body. We believe that strong leadership through past students, staff, students and friends of out alma mater will move us toward our goals. We, therefore, hold in the highest regard in teamwork, communication, transparency and accountability.
As the Association relish the past, reflect on the areas that we have fallen short and ensure that we bolster such area(s). The tenure of the PSA shows that with hard work, commitment and believing in a shared vision the impossible will become possible. No organization or association can thrive without collective support, so, we crave your support in the projects that we intend to undertake this year and onward. We must salute our past executive members spearheaded by our laureate president Samantha Minot-Campbell for the invaluable time and effort put into the Association over the embryonic state. We must say unreservedly, without your years of support, we would not be where we are today as an organization. Your work, commitment and longevity will be written in the annual of the PSA for years to come. We wish you all the best in the way forward and we will never seize to call on you for advice were the need arises. We are pleased to have your fullest confidence in electing us to serve and represent the thousands of past students this noble institution has produced and continue to produce. With a new day dawn and the baton pass on to us the elected Executive, we will bravely stand to face the task ahead. In the words of Amanda Gorman, “The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” We are brave enough to undertake modifications to the brand which we believe will attract more members to the Association. Our solitary charge as an organization is to serve you our members and our alma mater in an accountable, transparent, responsive and communicative manner.
We take our responsible serious and we hold ourselves in the highest regards to ensure that you our devoted members and our alma mater will be proud. 2021 is a year of recovery for us, therefore, let us put the past behind us, reflect on it and move in an upward direction. We want you to know that while Denbigh shines as an institution so too our PSA will follow suit. We are poised for greatness and we would like you our loyal past students’ to be a part of such a milestone.
Aqua Nation! Aqua Pride!
Nadine Henry
Copyright @ Denbigh High School Past Students’ Association. Powered by EKAPPS.